Incident Response Plan: Boost Impactful Cybersecurity Strategy with Effective Incident Management

5 min readApr 28, 2023


As technology continues to evolve, the need for organizations to protect themselves from cyber threats becomes more pressing. Even companies with the most advanced security measures are not immune to the dangers of cyber-attacks. Hence, an incident response plan IRP is critical for businesses to minimize the impact of a cyber-attack.

Incident Response Plan: A Definition

An incident response plan IRP is a set of guidelines and procedures that an organization follows to handle a security breach. An IRP aims to detect, respond, and recover from an attack as quickly and efficiently as possible. It provides a detailed roadmap that outlines how a company should respond to a security incident, from identifying the problem to resolving it and mitigating its impact.

According to Kim, Jung, and Jeong (2018), an IRP should include the following elements:

  1. Incident identification and reporting
  2. Incident analysis and classification
  3. Incident response and containment
  4. Investigation and analysis
  5. Recovery and restoration
  6. Post-incident review and evaluation
  7. An effective IRP should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in the dynamic technology environment.

Any organization that uses technology to conduct business should have an incident response plan. Cyber-attacks are a constant threat, and no company is immune. Small businesses are especially vulnerable because they are often seen as easy targets due to their lack of resources and security expertise. However, larger companies with more extensive networks are also at risk. An incident response plan is necessary to mitigate the impact of a breach and prevent any further damage to the company.

The importance of an incident response plan cannot be overstated. An IRP is a crucial tool for organizations to mitigate the impact of cybersecurity incidents.

An IRP helps organizations to respond quickly to a cybersecurity incident, reducing the overall impact of the incident. An effective IRP can help an organization minimize the damage caused by a cybersecurity incident, restore business operations quickly, and maintain customer trust and loyalty.

To create an impactful incident response plan, organizations should consider the following five steps:

  1. Define the scope and objectives of the IRP

The first step in creating an IRP is to define the scope and objectives of the plan. Defining the scope and objectives of the IRP helps organizations to focus their efforts and resources on responding to the most critical incidents. The scope and objectives of the IRP should be aligned with the organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy and business objectives.

2. Identify and prioritize critical assets

The next step in creating an IRP is to identify and prioritize critical assets. Critical assets are those assets that are most valuable to the organization and require the most protection. Identifying and prioritizing critical assets helps organizations to focus their efforts on protecting the most important assets in the event of a cybersecurity incident.

3. Develop an incident response team

The third step in creating an IRP is to develop an incident response team. The incident response team should consist of individuals with the necessary skills and expertise to respond to a cybersecurity incident. An effective incident response team should have a clear chain of command, well-defined roles and responsibilities, and regular training and testing.

4. Define incident response procedures

The fourth step in creating an IRP is to define incident response procedures. Incident response procedures outline the steps that the incident response team will take in the event of a cybersecurity incident. Incident response procedures should be well-defined, documented, and regularly tested to ensure their effectiveness

5. Regularly review and update the IRP

The final step in creating an IRP is to regularly review and update the plan. Cybersecurity threats and risks are constantly evolving, and an IRP that is not regularly reviewed and updated may become ineffective. Organization should review and update their IRPs at least once a year, or whenever there are significant changes to the organization’s IT infrastructure or cybersecurity risks.

An incident response plan should be used when a security breach is detected. The IRP provides a clear roadmap for the response team to follow to minimize the impact of the breach. It is essential to act quickly when responding to a security incident to prevent any further damage to the organization.

An incident response plan should be implemented across the organization. It should be communicated to all employees to ensure that everyone is aware of the plan’s procedures and their roles in the response team. The plan should also be integrated into the company’s security policies and procedures.

Challenges of Implementing an IRP in the Dynamic Technology Environment

Implementing an IRP in the dynamic technology environment is challenging due to the constant emergence of new threats and vulnerabilities. The following are the challenges faced by organizations when implementing an IRP:

  1. Lack of resources

One of the challenges of implementing an IRP is a lack of resources. An IRP requires dedicated resources, including staff, technology, and budget, to ensure that it is effective. Many organizations struggle to allocate the necessary resources to implement an IRP, making it difficult to respond effectively to security incidents.

2. Lack of training

Another challenge of implementing an IRP is a lack of training. Many organizations do not provide adequate training to their employees on how to respond to security incidents. This lack of training can result in employees making mistakes that can worsen the incident, making it difficult to contain and recover from.

3. Complexity of technology

The dynamic technology environment is complex, and it is difficult to keep up with the constantly evolving threats and vulnerabilities. Organizations struggle to keep their IRPs up to date with the latest technologies, making it difficult to respond effectively to new threats.

4. Lack of testing

Testing an IRP is crucial to ensure that it is effective. Many organizations do not test their IRPs regularly, making it difficult to identify weaknesses and improve the plan. Without regular testing, an IRP may not be effective when an actual incident occurs.

5. Communication

Effective communication is crucial during a security incident. Many organizations struggle to communicate effectively during an incident, which can delay the response and increase the damage caused by the incident.

An effective IRP can help organizations to mitigate the impact of cybersecurity incidents, restore business operations quickly, and maintain customer trust and loyalty. To create an impactful IRP, organizations should define the scope and objectives of the plan, identify and prioritize critical assets, develop an incident response team, define incident response procedures, and regularly review and update the plan. By following these steps, organizations can create an IRP that is effective, efficient, and tailored to their specific cybersecurity risks and business objectives.

If you want to enhance your cybersecurity and risk management skill better, read more these 4 types of risk management and utilizing risk appetite to develop better risk management plan




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